As part of CDM media’s executive insights podcast, host J.D. Miller speaks with Akeel Attar, CEO and Founder of XpertRule, on the evolution of AI and what lies ahead. In this podcast Akeel Attar explains the misconceptions, opportunities, and potential for AI to reshape and transform our world.
This podcast starts out with a brief history of XpertRule and how it has consolidated more than 20 years of experience in developing algorithms, solving complex problems, and providing vertical software solutions, into one state of the art software platform called The discussion outlines how AI technologies like machine learning, decision automation, and conversational AI are set to revolutionize customer engagements. This podcast also provides a practical look at what’s possible in the world of intelligent automation and where we are all headed.
Other topics discussed include:
- What AI technologies are driving intelligent automation?
- What are the biggest inhibitors to AI adoption?
- What industry sectors are most embracing AI and why?
- What’s the biggest misconception out there about AI and intelligent automation as businesses look to streamline?
- What is the next big innovation ahead for AI in intelligent automation?
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Akeel is the founder of XpertRule and holds a PhD in Telecommunications from the University of Leeds – England. He is an AI pioneer and a veteran of the Decision Automation and machine learning fields dating back to his early work with the late Donald Michie
Akeel has extensive experience in leading technical teams developing AI software platforms, implementing intelligent automation solutions, and delivering related consulting services to world-wide blue-chip clients in the manufacturing, financial services, telecos, oil and gas, retail, process, and public sectors. He has been involved in the implementation of over 70 successful AI projects in the UK, USA, Europe, Brazil, and Japan across all business sectors.
Akeel has been involved in many R&D collaborative projects with Academia and is currently a visiting Professor at The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC). He holds 2 international patents relating to the use of machine learning for adaptive process control and for detecting interactions between events in oilfields.
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Jul 20, 2021 1:23:00 PM