Contact Centre

 XpertRule lets you capture and automate your best agents’ expertise, decision-making, and advisory skills in a way that scales great customer service across every interaction. 

Power a cutting-edge contact centre. lets you capture and automate your best agents’ expertise, decision-making, and advisory skills in a way that scales great customer service across every interaction. Offer the best solution, first time, every time.

We understand that...

Contact centres are continuously battling high levels of annual agent attrition, typically ranging from 30-45%. Knowledge, expertise and experience leaks out of the business every time an employee leaves. The higher the attrition rate, the faster the leakage. In addition, businesses regularly refresh their products and services with seasonal offers, promotions, product launches and in response to pressure from competitors or market conditions. Finally, in regulated industries agents must follow specific mandatory guidelines, and these are subject to change. Continuous and regular training and support is required to ensure that employees remain up to date, and customers receive the right level of service. Since COVID, there has been an increase in remote and hybrid working in many contact centres which amplifies the complexity associated with providing the right level of training and support to contact centre agents. 

In many cases, contact centres cannot cope with the volume of inbound demand, both via phone and agent chat. Whilst call deflections technologies such as conversational AI can deflect some of this volume, containment rates often remain below target. 

And that means... 

The cost of attrition can range from 50% to 200% of an employee’s annual salary, when taking into account recruitment, training, lost productivity and impact on customer service quality. Operating cost savings as a result of hybrid and remote working are offset by the increased training and support costs, and the potential reduction in service quality. And meeting compliance and regulatory standards and improving service quality with higher levels of specialisation and upskilling only increase the cost to serve. solves this by... 

XpertRule uses our advanced decision intelligence solution, to allow businesses to harness the power of their two most valuable assets – the expertise of their people and the predictive analytics in their data.

Unlike other contact centre software solutions, is based on a sophisticated decision intelligence engine which can very quickly capture the business process logic and domain knowledge of an experienced agent i.e. the “how-to”, using a variety of low-code knowledge capture techniques. This knowledge is served to the agent in real time using what we refer to as ‘intelligent dialog’. This is not next best action. Rather it is next best interaction. It uses the captured knowledge to drive and steer the conversation. The least experienced and knowledgeable agents are “up-skilled” with all of the capability of the most experienced employees, thereby removing escalations and hand-offs between different agent capability and product groups. With, specialist interactions requiring greater decision-making authority can be safely delegated to frontline agents, empowering them, creating a frictionless customer experience, and improving compliance.

Finally, because can also be deployed in chat, it can be used in conjunction with your conversational AI platform – effectively equipping your chatbot with all the experience, knowledge and capabilities of your best agents. Containment rates can be transformed. With up to 60% of contact centre customer service queries can be handled via fully automated chat – powered by the Decision Intelligence platform. 

Talk to us about how we can upgrade your contact centre and exceed your customers' expectations.

Intuitive product with first class support from the vendor

Product is very intuitive, simple to use and deploy. Support from the vendor has always been very responsive with regards to both problem resolution and capability to rapidly enhance the product as new needs were identified.

Software Industry

Outstanding platform & partnership

Strong relationship with us and our clients. Very flexible to new demands. Open to our roadmap and to integrate partners tech stack with their technology.

IT Services Industry

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