
Millions of Decisions.
One intelligent solution.

A decision intelligence platform that rapidly captures human knowledge & expertise, combines it with predictive analytics & deploys it organisation-wide to automate & improve the quality of decision-making.

The Decision Intelligence Framework.

Safely embed AI into your business with our human-centric Decision Intelligence platform.
Decision Engineering
Empower business users with decision engineering & data-science tools to build & maintain decision flows & decision logic, diagnose how those decisions are made, & continuously improve organisational decision-making.
Connect decision-flows & existing technology capabilities with people to provide transparency of decision-making across operations 
Decision Automation
Fully automate decision workflows – both back-office complex transactions, and deliver complex front-office interactions via self-service chat and dialogue.
Decision Augmentation
Apply decision mining from data and combine with other composite AI decision engineering techniques to make more intelligent decisions – optimising the outcome for the business, the customer and the regulator.
Decision Support
Upskill & multi-skill your people, empowering them to make the right decision every time without the need to hand-off to other teams.
Diagnose how those decisions are made, and continuously improve organizational decision-making

Powering customer services & employee experiences across Insurance, Financial Services, Telecoms, Retail, Travel & Logistics.

Key Platform Features

Composite AI
  • DMN Decisioning
  • Algorithms for Optimisation​
  • Bayesian Machine Learning from structured & unstructured data
  • Document Similarity searching (TF-IDF)
  • Fuzzy Logic ​
  • Constraint engine for validating conflicting user selection options
Pluggable Platform
  • In-built connectors for consuming numerous third-party APIs:
    • Google Cloud
    • Azure Cognitive Services
    • Salesforce
    • MS Dynamics
  • Web service integration
  • Advanced users have full access to the JavaScript environment with complete APIs to access the knowledgebase objects
Decision Services API
  • API engine to provide decisions via a REST service 
Decision Mining
  • Explainable machine learning of classification & regression trees deployed with fuzzy inference
Intelligent Dialogue
  • Integrate asynchronous operations e.g. send out a questionnaire and only proceed on response receipt or call out a chatbot 
  • Form engine for providing an end-user interface
  • Chat engine to provide state-full conversational sessions via multi channels
Integrated Graphical Workflow
  • No code graphical authoring of decision trees, tables, rules & workflows and conversational flows​
  • For business users, the visual XpertScript editor provides a low-code intuitive environment for developing scripts, calculations, and expressions ​
    Divide a large application into sub-knowledge modules​
  • A project-wide dictionary of elements to be used in sub KMs​
  • Modules can be worked on simultaneously by different users​
  • Blueprints provide verticalized start point for future apps 
Deploy Anywhere
  • Browser based development environment
  • Full flexibility to host development platform
  • Cloud based
  • Corporate Data Center
  • On-Premise
  • IoT Edge
End-to-End explainability
  • Test applications with test data before deploying 
  • Trace inference sessions in real-time
  • Regression Testing
Implementing was a way to capture the knowledge from the minds of our power users. It turned this individual wealth of knowledge into company wealth. We now can leverage what in the past was only in the minds of a few people.
Claudio Canepa
Arneg S.p.A.

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