Automating the mundane, repetitive and transactional was only the beginning. The next wave of intelligent automation will see the convergence of several AI technologies including digital decisioning, conversational AI, and explainable machine learning. Together, these technologies will deliver unprecedented capabilities for automating complex, highly personalized and auditable customer interactions.
So, what exactly do I mean by “automating the complex”? For me, it entails having software that can digitally capture the expertise of knowledge workers, learn predictive decisions from data while being able understand language context, nuance and intent. That’s what has been missing until now in the world of intelligent automation; a way to truly capture, learn and optimize organizational decision-making and deliver that expertise digitally. Compounding this challenge is a lack of transparency in being able to audit, analyze and optimize the overall throughput of digital decisions, and you get the picture. Enter the era of the Digital Advisor!
Delivering a Superior Customer Experience
Imagine being able to take your most talented customer support or sales agent and replicating their expertise and experience. Digital Advisors will allow you to do just that. But that’s not all. As well as replicating the knowledge and expertise of your best agents, Digital Advisors also digest data held in your systems to enhance their ability to make more informed decisions. They bring a new level of automation through conversational decisioning enabling a deeper, more tailored self-service customer experience across web, chat, voice and mobile channels. This is where I believe we’ll see the biggest shift in enterprise operations, a merging and end-to-end automation of front & back-office applications—either attended or unattended.
How We Do It
So how do we do it? XpertRule provides a unified low-code, AI-enabled digital decisioning platform called Our ability to support decision automation, machine learning and decision optimization as well as conversational API using multiple AI technologies, sets apart from anything else on the market. There are plenty of conversational AI tools available, but none with digital decisioning capabilities. It is the integration of these two technologies that make Digital Advisors such a powerful lever for automating complex knowledge work at scale.
The software can also integrate with, and drive, any third-party digital assistant or chatbot (think of a Mensa grade Alexa). All this lays a foundation for accelerating, improving and extending the automation capabilities of contact center operations and customer self-service through Digital Advisors.
Another key attribute is that our Digital Advisors incorporate all these advanced AI capabilities while using a low footprint node.js runtime engine. This means our Digital Advisors can be deployed and run at scale anywhere from an edge device to a serverless deployment in the cloud, or even running in the browser of an agent’s desktop. Deploying and scaling our Digital Advisors is a breeze.
The Road Ahead
The inability of current automation solutions to digitally capture expertise and make critical business decisions based on understanding language context, intent and nuance has been one of the biggest inhibitors to scaling automation projects. As indicated earlier the real promise of intelligent automation lies in the ability to deal with the complex. We solve that problem with our platform and Digital Advisors solution. We enable organizations to digitally capture, audit and optimize their business decisions.
XpertRule is coming out of stealth mode! We are ramping up to do some amazing things over the coming months. Stay tuned, and in the meantime let us know what you think.

Jun 9, 2021 1:15:00 PM